Sunday, March 22, 2020

Journal of the Plague Year 3-21-2020

Not much happened today. Went for a quick walk.  Did some laundry. Folded some laundry.  Checked in by email or phone on some friends and relatives.  Wrote yesterday’s blog post. Sat in front of the fireplace toasting my tootsies, eating dark chocolate and drinking red wine. Read one of my New York books. And spent far too much time reading about the pandemic.
The president doesn’t want to do much about the virus in the US, apparently, but is happy to offer help to North Korea and Iran, allegedly two of our country’s bitter enemies.  Why does he have these ridiculous pressers during which no news emerges and that force his minions to stand behind him, cheek by jowl, underscoring his scorn for the CDC and the recommendations for social distancing. Bad optics, Don!
Vice President Pence, by comparison, seems godly, righteous, and sober. One might say even presidential, at least by current standards.  I get his ridiculous sycophancy when it comes to his boss, so I am learning to disregard it.  It sounds childish when Pence launches into his litanies of praise, but flunkies who are not sufficiently adoring do not stay long in Trump’s White House. Whatever it takes, Mike!
Dr. Fauci, the infectious disease expert who has served presidents since Ronald Reagan, seems to be holding his own and successfully navigating the thin line between being sufficiently respectful and telling the public that the president is wrong about many virus-related matters. He is one of the grownups in the room and I hope he manages to stick around for a while.
In other news, Mitzi the Cat seems unaffected, although she appears confused on occasion because we are creating piles during the decluttering. For example, she tried out the pile of discarded sheets in a warm corner as a napping spot for a bit, but then removed herself to a little-used room where the temp is 55 degrees. Go figure—she’s a cat!

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