Thursday, December 04, 2014

We accepted all the seller's conditions -- except price. She accepted our price.  I am beginning to get cold feet.  What have we done?  (For those of you who don't know me very well, I'm being melodramatic).

Anyway, we emailed the carpenter, asking him to fix the hole in the roof.  We call the insurance company so that our little sentimental investment can be insured -- the owner did not insure the place.  The insurance company informs us that if the inspector sees a tarp on the roof, the structure is uninsurable except through Lloyds of London.  Can't wait to see how much that might cost.

Then, we send the attorney in Eastport all the info. he will need to do a title search.  Normally he operates on Maine time, i.e., not in much of a hurry to do anything.  In this instance, however, he emails back right away:  "I thought you were only buying one parcel, but there are two parcels on this deed."   Huh?

So we get out the schematic of the property map for the town.  There is indeed a large parcel of land behind the house, probably around 10 acres.  However, it appears connected to another house, not (soon-to-be) ours. Of course, the schematic could be many years old and not reflective of the current situation.

Is the owner retaining the other parcel?  Does she even know that she owns it?  Does someone else own it? What do we do?  We don't really want another 10 acres -- we didn't even want the two that we just bought. We just want the house.

We have a call in to the town offices (open from 4-6 pm on Tuesday and Thursday). However, the staff there definitely operates on Maine time.  There was no one in the office when we called at 5 pm Eastern time. So we wait.