Wednesday, March 01, 2006

On to Istanbul

For those of you who don't have the intestinal fortitude to read this entire blog, a glossary: OLGS stands for "Oldest Living Graduate Student". His books, his professorship, and the respect of his colleagues world wide (or at least in the UK and Israel) matter less on the domestic front. I'm waiting for the empty wine bottle with the dripping candle. And I still love the guy.

Anyway, OLGS is at it again--he's now off to Turkey. Clearly, he's trying to get in all the travel he knows will bother me before I show up in Scotland. A PhD is actually worth something.....the man is smart.

And the US State Department--the same guys who brought you weapons of mass desctruction--have declared Turkey safe, or at least not a place to avoid. Why don't I take more comfort in that?
