Sunday, December 21, 2014

Christmas Letter 2014

The year that is ending was full of excitement, with a few challenges thrown in to keep us honest.  As always, the highlights involved travel, with trips to Hungary, Switzerland, Massachusetts, Maine, Oregon, Montana and Chicago.  The theme of this year’s travels seemed to be family.  We conducted genealogical research, attended reunions and visited relatives, and journeyed to remote places where our ancestors once lived. Our offspring have inherited the travel gene, with one going to Mexico and another visiting Munich and other places in Germany. We always enjoy hearing about their adventures.

When not exploring places near and far, we enjoy the visits of friends and family, experience the sports, music and theater delights of the Twin Cities, and appreciate the diversity that characterizes the city we have called home for almost 20 years. When we think about retirement, something we do quite often these days, we plan to spend the winters in Minneapolis and the summers in Maine and Budapest.  People tell us we have it wrong, but we are not going to stop being contrary now.

Sons William and Nicholas continue to live in Minneapolis, and it is wonderful to have them visit for Sunday dinner.  Peter lives in Portland, Oregon, and it equally wonderful to have an excuse to get to know a lovely and interesting part of the country.  We are very fortunate parents.

We wish you all the best and hope that the year to come brings you delight and wonder.

Louise and Jim