Don't let anyone tell you that New Yorkers are cold, unhelpful, etc. Not true. In fact, they love to show off. If you are befuddled about the bus cards (no money is allowed for bus fare--you have to purchase a card), they jump in. If you want to know which subway goes where, they are delighted to tell you.
OLGS and I went to NYC for a very quick visit, ostensibly to help Joe College Grad with some stuff, but that was an excuse. We went to the theater, had wonderful bus rides, ate in little Italy, visited Orchard Street (see photo, left), and had lunch with long lost relatives. OLGS did some family history research at City Hall (incidentally, a beautiful building). We visited ground zero and St. Paul's Church nearby. All this and more we did in less than three days.
New York is expensive, so take plenty of cash or a well-funded credit card. And, if you can avoid it, don't fly into Kennedy. The cheap air fare is offset by the fact that it costs a fortune in time and money to get there.