Monday, February 26, 2007

Michele does it again--gotta love democracy

Illustration by Robin Eley for City Pages

Where do we get these guys? The home of Paul Wellstone and Walter Mondale is also the place that elected Michele Bachmann, dubbed "Our nation’s loopiest congresslady" by the blog Wonkette. And is she ever. In addition to her other weird behavior, Michele is the "author" of a plan to use Personal Rapid Transit, a genuine dog of an idea, to solve the nation's transit problems. Of course, if you are paying attention, you'll have noted the word "personal" in the title of the scheme, which should tell you everything you need to know. The idea is that you can support "rapid" transit while still being a total loner, far from the madding crowd, serene in your individuality, and never rubbing shoulders (or in Michele's case, lips), with anyone else.
Just when you thought that Minnesota was too cold, too dry, too Norwegian, and too boring to be livable or interesting, along comes Michele to offer a bit of comic relief. And if we go to war in Iran because of Michele, we are dumber than we look.

And did you know that Michele was once a Jimmy Carter Democrat?

The end of the high school swimming season....sigh

Joe High School acquitted himself amazingly well at the sectional swim meet for the Twin Cities. He took four seconds off his 500 yard frestyle, coming in 5th for the region. While not enough to get him to the state tournament, he's determined to get there next year. College scouts, take note!