The Governor 
Let's see if I understand this correctly: RT Ryback, Minnapple's photogenic mayor, has been pushing the merger between Hennepin County Library and the Minneapolis Public Library systems, not because it will lead to an improvement in service for the citizens of Minneapolis, but because it will get the entire issue of MPL off his back. RT has demonstrated, in a variety of areas, that pushing the problem onto someone else is preferable to dealing with it. The current merger talks are just another bit of proof.
The Mayor

Anyway, the merger will cost $4 million. Does RT step up to the plate, offering any material support for the merger that he has been pushing? Nope. The gov., Mr. I-Might-be-Vice President-Some-Day Pawlenty, vetoed this, apparently because it gave no tax breaks to any of his friends in big business. So it's back to the drawing board, with RT put in the spotlight anyway. He only likes that spotlight when he turns it on himself. But let's give the guy credit. He has put himself in a good position to be the savior of the deal, the mayor on the white horse. And if he can pull this off, more power to him. This could be a legacy building effort, and RT would do well to pay attention and make this happen.