Friday, May 30, 2008
Farewell to the lawyers
My job with the lawyer marketing guys in Eagan is over. Now I'm off to write web content for a career college web site. This has been heady week, full of tributes to my skills (all of which can be had for the price of a liberal education)and hugs and best wishes. These are remarkable people, and even those that I wouldn't want to spend a lot of time with are very interesting and talented. In this day and age, that's a pretty good gig.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Joe High School's new job....

by OLGS, guest blogger
Joe High School started a new job this month at a local independent (non-chain) pizza parlor in South Minneapolis. One of his friends told him that the pizza place was hiring and Joe applied and got hired. His entry into the pizza business brings back memories to me, OLGS, because my first paying job at age 16 was also in a pizza place in suburban Chicago.
Joe started his first night as the "dough-roller," that is, the person who takes dough out of a trough and sends it through a rolling machine twice to get the crust to the right thickness. By his second shift, Joe had advanced to "Sauce Dude," the person who drops a ladleful of sauce on the rolled-out pizza dough and smooshes it around to the edges. Bright lad that he is, he also mastered pepperoni-placement and cheese distribution. By the time of his third shift, Joe even used the '97 Subaru to make a delivery to a residence and got to "keep the change" from a twenty on the bill.
Good work, Joe. We're proud of you.
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