My long period of unemployment has temporarily ended. I get paid for writing, at piecework rates, web advertising copy for lawyers. While the agency says we should be earning a minumum of $16.00/hour, half of what I used to earn as a library manager, on some days it's closer to $6.00. But, I guess that's OK--Prexy Bush seems to feel that that wage level is just fine. If it doesn't bother him, it shouldn't bother me. Right?
For a little context on that last comment, cast your mind back to the mind-numbing debates between Bush and Senator Kerry in 2004. When the minimum wage issue came up Bush side-stepped it, and not very neatly, by talking about education. Would hate to actually dance with that guy if his performance on that question is indicative of his larger dancing skills. Watch out for your feet, ladies (and your pocketbooks).