The past 40 years have changed many aspects of relationships
between men and women. However, some men
have adapted unevenly to the new zeitgeist, producing mixed results in the domestic
sphere. For example, does your man do these things in his efforts to be helpful?
- He empties the dishwasher but leaves many dishes on the counter.
- He thriftily turns off every light but doesn’t close closet doors.
- He makes the bed by pulling up the covers, sort of.
- He tries to cook with mixed results.
- He does the laundry but leaves used tissues in the pockets.
- He weeds the flower beds but pulls up precious blooms.
- He recycles beer bottles but leaves the caps everywhere.
- He opens doors.
- He removes his baseball cap.
- He is kind to old ladies.
- He is great with kids.
- He changes diapers.
- He enjoys crazy relatives.
- He shovels neighbors’ sidewalks.