Saturday, February 04, 2012

Global Warming in Minnesota

OK, global warming foes. We're not just making it up. By this time, early February in the Land of Lakes, we have usually had dozens -- at least two -- of days where the thermometer went below zero. That's what we're known for -- the coldest major population center with ridiculous winter temps. We take pride in it.

There have been only a couple of below zero days so far this winter. And those were at night. None of that stuff where the afternoon temp never went into positive territory. Moreover, we've had no snow. The total is around six inches since November in the Twin Cities. What's up with this?

And they just released the revised gardening zones. We are definitely not anywhere near zone 3 anymore. In fact, in some places in MN, we're barely in zone 4. And because there's no snow cover, on those few occasions when the temp has dipped into the teens or single digits, I worry about freezing. Snow is a wonderful insulator for plants, even those supposed to be hardy in zone 3. We might as well be living in Iowa.

Obviously the global warming naysayers have not been here recently. Probably never been here, in fact.