Saturday, March 21, 2020

Journal of the Plague Year 3-20-2020

I have vowed to record life under self-isolation even if nothing much happens. Today was one of those nothing-much days. We watched three more episodes of Keepers, the Netflix docudrama about investigating the murder of a nun in Baltimore. The ending was not a bang but a whimper. Lots of possible suspects were highlighted, but no smoking gun emerged. The Catholic diocese of Baltimore did not come off well. I spent much of my watching time trying to unpack the Baltimore accents of the various parties interviewed. Too bad, as the first episodes were strong.

Since my exercise class has stopped, I summoned my oldest son, aka Joe College, to help move an old recumbent bike upstairs so I could use it while watching TV. Sadly, I now remember why it found its way to the basement in the first place: It doesn’t work very well. Instead, I am walking on the track in the local playground. That has the advantage of getting me outside to soak up some Vitamin D. The bike can stay where it is for now.

Today’s decluttering was limited to the master bath medicine cabinet. Several old prescriptions, including three bottles of Flonase, went into the garbage. The were prescribed for hubby some years ago during allergy season. Even though I know you are not supposed to do this, I kept the old oxycodone bottles, leftover from some surgery a couple of years ago. One can never be sure about future medical needs during these challenging times.

The chance that we will use them is remote at best. They were prescribed for OLGS, who stopped taking them because he got bad dreams and other strange side effects. I probably wouldn’t take them because my mother was very dependent on Oxy in the last years of her life. It was sad to see a woman who worried about taking baby aspirin become addicted. I am like her in many ways but don’t want to follow her down this path.

That’s all for today. Stay well. And please post your recommendation for books, movies, or binge-worthy TV shows.

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