Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Journal of the Plague Year 3-23-2020

Empty train during COVID19
Either the Coronavirus is bad or it’s not.  President Trump, ignoring all advice and evidence, has decided that it’s not bad, “No worse than the flu,” and vowed to end any preventive measures on Easter.  Let’s not think about why he picked Easter.

If he gets the CDC to change its guidelines, there is no reason to bail out cruise lines, casinos, and other businesses.  We will all be better and back to work soon. We will go on cruises, stay at hotels and go to Vegas. Why should we bail out these businesses when there is nothing wrong? However, the president’s enablers in the Senate and his prompters at Fox News have determined that we should not worry about logic, facts, and the safety of the American people.  That’s nothing new or surprising, but putting our heads in the sand now will make it much harder to pull them out later.

In contrast to the chaos out there, life in our little corner of the Twin Cities is placid.  The wall project in the basement continues in fits and starts, as different layers must dry before the next task can start. Our governor seems to be doing what he should.  Minnesota has a large budget surplus, a big chunk of which will be used to fight the virus and mitigate its consequences. I am glad we live in a high tax state, something I would not have said (at least out loud) a few months ago.

People in the Twin Cities seem to be taking the crisis seriously. Streets and highways are empty.  Rapid transit still operates, but buses and light rail cars are empty. Nail salons, hairdressers, and barbershops are closed. The doctors at our family medicine clinic are twiddling their thumbs while waiting for the deluge.  Now is a good time to send them a non-emergency question or schedule a telemedicine visit.  My shuttered exercise class has extended its closure through the end of April.

In media news, we finished watching Who Killed Malcolm.  No big reveal at the end.  OLGS did not recognize his former student Talmadge Hayer after more than 50 years.  Our next foray into crime—fictional rather than real—is Better Call Saul, the prequel to Breaking Bad.  We dropped the show after the first couple of seasons but now seems to be a good time to try it again. Stay tuned for updates.

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