Thursday, March 26, 2020

Journal of the Plague Year 3-25-2020

March 19 update on COVID-19 in MN: 89 cases; virus continues ...The governor shut down the state yesterday, although our shutdown is apparently less stringent than in other states. But even before the shutdown, supermarkets were enforcing social distancing by admitting limited numbers to the store. One contractor emailed to find out whether I still wanted him to come. Since the job is not urgent and involves removing some crappy wallpaper, I responded that he should wait. I don’t know whether he will be able to tap into the small business grants and loans that should become available one of these days.

In other news, I made my own hand sanitizer! I am not usually a DIY-er, but even I can do this. The rough recipe is three parts high proof rubbing alcohol to one-part aloe vera gel. Gave half of it to one of the sons, who was visiting to drop off groceries, keeping his distance. When he tried the hand sanitizer, he said, “Just like Purell.” My little projects seldom turn out this well.

In media news, I watched more Better Call Saul. It’s a good story, well told, of a little guy trying to do the right thing with life conspiring to derail him every step of the way. He finally takes matters into his own hands, setting up the tie-in to Breaking Bad.

On the recommendation of a friend, I watched Spenser Confidential with Mark Wahlberg. It’s set in Boston, although Mark does not get to show off his accent. Maybe he left it behind when he left Dorchester for the bright lights of Hollywood. But I am a sucker for such films. The Departed, Spotlight, Gone Baby Gone, and Mystic River all fall into this category and I have seen them all. Spenser was OK, although I liked the books better.

No outside walk today—too windy and rainy. Tomorrow for sure. No decluttering, either. Too much effort compared to the Netflix binge.

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