Sunday, November 05, 2006

Garrison kicks butt

You go, Garrison. Today in your weekly newspaper column, The Old Scout , you refer to the Current Occupant and his gang as merging "blithering corruption with murderous incompetence." I couldn't have said it better myself. Garrison's words were part of a persuasive essay on the joys of retirement, especially as they apply to Bush, Rove, and Cheney.

My papa, who is old and frail, is still very much aware what has happened to the country he served in WWII. His goal in his own retirement was to live long enough to see the Red Sox win the World Series. That has happened. So now he's on a roll: his plan is to live long enough to see the Bushies go back to the place from whence they came. If Bush took Garrison's advice and retired, my father could set himself yet another task--to see the Red Sox win twice in his lifetime. I'm not betting on either Bush or the Red Sox to do the right thing, but I am betting on my father and his cohort to do all they can to throw the bums out on Tuesday.

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