Friday, October 13, 2006

Minnesota weather and liberal politics

It's snowing in Minnesota, or at least parts of it. This is not typical, although we denizens of the North Star State certainly pride ourselves on our harsh weather and our ability to tolerate it. We often exaggerate how cold it gets. It makes us feel important, unusual, unique. Certain pundits think that the weather, and our traditionally liberal politics (more or less), are linked. So here's the question: is the fact that MN is now seen in some quarters as a purple state, rather than a blue state, a consequence of global warming? The warmer we get, the less liberal? You wouldn't believe there is such a thing as global warming today--it's 35 degrees, with a 40 MPH "breeze". This may bode well for the DFL candidates for Congress, as long as it stays cold. If there's Indian summer, watch out....

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