Poor Congressman Foley. But nobody gets what is going on. I find myself infuriated that this matter now seems to be about everything except the kitchen sink. The pundits talk about pedophillia, predatory behavior, and who knew what when. This last is the most on target, but everyone still misses the point.
What Congressman Foley did was sexual harassment. I'm no lawyer, but I believe that sexual harassment is when someone in a position of power requests sexual favors in an explicit or implicit quid pro quo. Teachers (you'll get an A), clergy (I won't tell your parents), employers (you say you want a corner office?), or congress persons (would you like to meet the President?). Co-workers and managers (i.e., Dennis Hastert) can be liable for sexual harassment even if they didn't do anything themselves, but allowed someone else to continue to harass employees, students, or pages. Both harassment, and allowing harassment, are in violation of federal employment law.
I'm so sick of people focusing on Congressman Foley's homosexuality, or the morality of his behavior, or the general tone of Congress. That has nothing to do with this. It's harassment, and Hastert should get out while the getting is good. It happened on his watch, he knew about it, and he did nothing. Whew!
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