Despite my earlier posts criticizing GK for his anti-Unitarian jokes, I have to give the guy his due. First, he had Molly Ivins, one of my great heroes, on PHC last night. And she was funny, quick, and dead-on when talking about the prime leader GWB and the rest of his strange tree. As she (or someone equally smart) fantasized recently, you have to think that George H.W. and Babs are sitting around the pool, drinking whiskey sours, and wondering whether they should have used the smart one instead.
And then this afternoon we went to see the Prairie Home Companion movie--most enjoyable. Meryl Streep sings very nicely, and Woody Harrelson and John C. Riley were terrific as Dusty and Lefty. And, thankfully, director Robert Altman took out the bits from PHC that don't work so well, such as the ketchup song and English major jokes. It was nice to see all the radio business again, even though it wasn't live.
So, I have to say it, GK (with help from Robert Altman) has probably made being a midwesterner acceptable to those on the coasts. But, we don't want to be too acceptable--then we won't be midwesterners.
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