Sunday, May 28, 2006

Memo to Garrison re Unitarians

Hey GK,

What's with the constant Unitarian-bashing? You did it again last night, making fun of those who talk about the "journey". Frankly, I'd rather be in in the company of those who are unafraid to admit they don't have all the answers, and are not required to believe six impossible things before breakfast (sorry, Lewis). But, I, and my Unitarian co-religionists, don't bray about our distaste for your type of certainty on national radio. We don't make fun of those who recite the Nicene Creed every Sunday.

A little factoid for you. Did you know that in the 19th century, US Episcopalians and Unitarians were joined at the hip, fighting the good fight against sabbatarianism, prohibitionism, evangelicalism, and the other movements that, then and now, threaten the fabric of our republic? Perhaps if we spent our energies doing that now, together, rather than making fun of each other on the national airwaves, there might be a little traction in the struggle against those whose stated desire is to turn us into a theocracy. A theocracy would not be good for you. It would not be good for those who think they want it.

So, next time you have a cute little joke about a Unitarian walking into a bar, try to resist. So-called liberal Christians are even more endangered than Unitarians, though they don't yet know it. They might be the target of a new generation of radio show gurus. Think about it.

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