Thursday, May 01, 2008

Candidates in Selma

I was browsing Louise’s January 20th post about the family trip to Selma, Alabama. She mentioned that Selma in 2008 is filled with churches, both established and storefront. When the family visited there just after the New Year, the presidential selection process had passed through Iowa and New Hampshire and on the Democratic side, the race was down to the big two, Senators Obama and Clinton. Both senators had visited Selma the previous March to honor the 1965 voting rights campaign that was centered on Dallas County, Alabama. Senator Obama spoke at the Brown AME Church, just down the street from the pecan wholesaler. Senator Clinton spoke at First Baptist Church. Last week, Senator McCain made a visit to Selma and spoke outside the St. James Hotel (also just down the street from the pecan wholesaler), where our family stayed in January.

Look at the photos of the three candidates speaking in Selma. Notice anything unusual? Readers of Domestic Tranquility are invited to post their answers in the comments section.


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