Today, April 18th, marks two important anniversaries. The first was made famous by the poet Longfellow in his verse “The Landlord’s Tale”:
“Listen my children and you shall hear
of the midnight ride of Paul Revere”
April 18, 1775 was the night of Paul Revere’s ride from Charlestown westward to Lexington to warn the Massachusetts militia of the impending march of the British garrison out of Boston. The historian David Hackett Fischer wrote a wonderful biography of Revere, whose family name was once “Rivoire” until his French Protestant immigrant family changed it to the English-sounding “Revere.”
Today is also the 65th anniversary of Louise’s parents’ marriage. To maintain a marriage from 1943 through 2008 and beyond may be an even more remarkable accomplishment than Revere/Rivoire’s ride. Below is a page 1 story from the New York Times the day of their wedding. Congratulations to Louise’s parents. Many happy returns.
Civilian Car Owners Will Get Few Synthetic Tires for a Year; Synthetic Tires Unlikely Until '44
April 18, 1943, Sunday
WASHINGTON-- The Office of War Information stated today that most civilian car owners could not hope to obtain synthetic rubber tires before the last half of next year. For essential civilian driving some synthetic tires may be available earlier but how many, said OWI, "is still an open question."
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