Saturday, December 29, 2007


What's the deal with fruitcake? It's highly fashionable to hate fruitcake. However, bucking fashion trends as usual, I love fruitcake. An old friend sent two large hunks of homemade fruitcake, wrapped in cheesecloth to hold the brandy. It is excellent, and I've been adding more brandy. It can't hurt.

My mother used to make a fruitcake that was pretty much nuts, dates and raisins. It was close to black in color and quite wonderful. And in days gone by, when I was into the DIY style of domestic achievement, I would make a fruit cake, trecking all over New York to find real candied citron and other delicacies. My roommate and I would soak all the fruits in cognac for several weeks before we put the thing together. We ate a great deal of the fruit before we actually baked the cake.

So try it--you might like it. Just stay clear of the store-bought stuff.

1 comment:

Margaret Sch. said...

Right before Christmas, I was trying to find, with hopes to buy, fruitcake in a large grocery store in Burnsville; I've forgotten whether it's a Cub or Rainbow. Not only did the young worker whom I asked for help look puzzled and amused, but my own daughter, who is 23, claimed that she was actually embarrassed that I was looking for fruitcake. I wanted to take it to a group Christmas gathering. It became a store-wide challenge to try to find me some fruitcake, but we finally gave up. I got some pies instead. Sad. Fruitcake is really good with hot tea or coffee, as you know.