Saturday, May 26, 2007

Post-Secondary Options in Minneapolis

Joe High School did not get into the University of Minnesota as a 10th grader, an admission that is theoretically possible. The U noted that neither his GPA or class rank fit the profile of admitted high school students. Things have changed. Joe College Grad, who was admitted to the U as junior eight years ago, had similar stats. The difference is that far more kids now apply to this high school program, known as PSEO (or some variation on this acronym, which stands for Post Secondary Education Option). And I bet they apply in larger numbers at least in part because public schools just don't have what they need. In the era of Pawlenty and his gang of tax-hating Republicans, the public schools in this state are shameful for a place that touts itself as an education state.

Anyway, that's why Joe wanted to go to the U--he wants to take AP Physics, which is no longer offered at Minneapolis South. He'll have to come up with a Plan B. Blaming his failure to get into the U entirely on Pawlenty is probably a bit unfair, but is entirely fair to blame the gov for the increasingly limited selection of course options at Minneapolis South.

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