XM Radio. This is our newest toy. OLGS got it so he could listen during his long commute to the 25 or so sports radio stations that broadcast via satellite. Covering golf, the World Cup (and when is the next one? 2008?) and, of course, Major League Baseball (MLB), XM Radio has something for everyone. And it is pretty cool.
But so totally old fashioned. It operates via a clunky antenna, which you can run through your car tape player, making an annoying hiss. Or you can attach it to your car radio antenna, requiring massive amounts of wire to be draped throughout the car. Either way, it seems like a primitive technology. It is also available online, but with 85 stations rather than the 200+ available via satellite. And their web site is quite basic, i.e., doesn't work.
We are radio and movie junkies. We do not watch TV. The first and last time I've watched TV in recent months was Tuesday night, when Current Occupant mounted the podium and tried to read the teleprompter. And look where that got us. I'll stick to radio.
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