I do find it interesting that people seem to be giving the Current Occupant a free ride on the James Baker appearance. This is probably because JB is more or less smart and politically aware, having served a number of Republican pols over the years. This seems, to us in the hinterlands, as a major improvement. You can hear the folks in flyover land whispering, "Well, at least there's someone in DC who knows the score." We feel this way because it's so apparent that the Current Occupant doesn't know the score, or even that there is a score. As Garrison said in today's column, the CO has the attention span of a 12-year old. Frankly, even 12-year olds with ADD have a better attention span.
Anyway, here we are, giving the Current Occupant a free ride because James A. Baker has flown to the rescue at the behest of Poppy. Have we forgotten already that it was JB who engineered the "election" in 2000 in Florida? Not so fast, folks. Let's keep on paying attention. We're not out of the woods just becuse the Dems won Congress.
Hey, Louise -
I have to exercise my right to free speech, so here goes:
1. J.B. should not be identified with James Baker. I'm sure he will recover some day, but he does read your blog.
2. Flyover Land is a place I love. I've just returned from one of my many trips to Kansas: this last one for 3 nights in Sabetha. I cannot begin to describe how beautiful it is, and how amazing its inhabitants are. I've come to appreciate this part of the country. Keep calling it "Flyover Land," please; that way we can live in peace - no one will want to come here - which is great, because I can do without the selfishness that seems to be so much a part of the rest of the country right now - I'm not talking about you and yours, but about the culture in general - Democrats included. These Flyover Land people hate the war as much as you do - and their kids are fighting in it. They are not as dumb as it appears that you think they are.
Flyover land, at least my part of it, has become pretty ambivalent about the Current Occupant, which speaks well for wide open spaces and sparse population.
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