I wasn't going to say anything. I was just going to switch back to postings about teenagers, cats, and the Minneapolis Public Schools. But this has been a great week. American people awakened from their long slumber, looked around, and wondered what had happened. And they voted.
Not all is rosy. Some of the Dems elected are only slightly different from the Republicans they beat except for their opposition to the war in Iraq. And Dems now need to get stuff done that actually benefits the citizenry. This will be difficult when the Current Occupant has his veto pen out, wedded to his program of benefitting his friends at Haliburton, the pharmaceutical lobby, and people with enormous incomes. We'll see what they can do.
In Minnesota, the joy was somewhat muffled because our Republican governor, no-new-taxes Pawlenty, squeaked to re-election. And Michele Bachmann, the nut case we love to hate, also won in the MN 6th district. Not totally surprising, given the population of that district and the amount of outside money poured in, but disappointing. But, despite that, Minnesota is now more blue than purple. Even for the color blind, this is good news.
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