It feels like such a cliche to pick on Michele Bachmann. Nevertheless, the voters in the Minnesota 6th District need to think about whether they really want a representative in Washington who relies on her husband (and through him, God), to tell her what to do, what to think, and how to be. She, my friends, is not an independent thinker, capable of evaluating the current Washington nuttiness through any lens at all, let alone her own understanding of the needs of the MN 6th.
Both Michele and her husband, Marcus, have degrees from institutions such as Regent University or Oral Roberts U. These institutions, among other things, are known for their allegiance to a fairly particular and pecular variety of Christianity (I'm being polite here). I have to wonder, for example, what the Oral Roberts natural history museum features. Surely there are no displays illustrating geologic time, as, according to folks like Michele and her classmates, there is no such thing. Another telling feature of Oral Roberts is that, according to their web site, 572 applicants of the 594 who applied were accepted. This is not a selective institution.
But this is really not important, just illustrative of Michele's background. What is important is that Michele is apparently incapable of thinking for herself. Her husband told her to go to law school, study tax law (which apparently she hated), take in foster children, run for the MN House, and then run for the US Senate, changing quickly to the House of Representatives when it became apparent that Mark Kennedy was the annointed one for Dayton's soon-to-be-vacant Senate seat. She may not be able to think for herself, but boy, is she flexible.
And Michele still has a chance, at least if you read the tea leaves, or the national republicans coming to her aid. Laura Bush, Cheney, Norm Coleman, etc. But, sadly for Michele, not the Current Occupant himself. Apparently Michele has the hots for cheerleader in chief. The Current Occupant, says Michele, is "buff".
Hey, 6th District. Let's not make Minnesota a laughing stock. Vote for Patty Wetterling.
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