Monday, October 02, 2006

Logan Airport

I've been flying in and out of Logan for around 45 years. From my first solo trip to England, at age 16, to an unknown number of trips from MSP to Boston, Logan airport is either the destination or the departure venue. And, throughout all those years, it has always been under construction. Always.

Today, Terminal C (or was it B)--anyway, the US Airways terminal--seemed totally inaccessible because of massive sidewalk construction activities. Fortunately, NWA flies out of terminal E, which is the international terminal. During the day, NWA is one of the few airlines operating, making terminal E actually pleasant (the international airways perk up in the late afternoon). And it's no longer under construction, although it was for at least five years.

Apparently huge airports never cease their self-improvement activities. This constant effort to rearrange the landscape resulted in the Big Dig, an effort to streamline Boston's terrible roadway system that certainly helped fuel stereotypes about Boston drivers. Unfortunately, the Big Dig collapsed, killing a motorist, and causing the thing to shut down. The result, of course, was more construction on the tunnels that lead to the airport. As of today, the tunnel is still closed west-bound, forcing tourists onto the streets of South Boston. I do believe that the Boston economy requires major construction projects to stay alive. So even if Logan airport were cement-truck-free, there would still be massive disruption just getting to the place. There has to be serious government-funded construction activity at all times in Beantown. Right now, visitors to Boston who pick up rental cars at Logan are treated to a view of South Boston's industrial wasteland as they circle around the disabled tunnel. And I love it. Logan is my home. Just like Tom Hanks in Terminal.

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