The sheep, whose numbers grew after lambing season, were transfered to another pasture. Sheep are hard on grass, and need to be moved periodically to allow the grass to recover. I was relieved, as they all disappeared shortly before Easter; I thought they had a date with mint jelly and potatoes and was glad to find the mystery of their absence was easily solved.
They were replaced, a few weeks later, by two huge, retired, Edinburgh police horses. We named them Ed I and Ed II, and OLGS fed them apples every morning. They were clearly a pair. One day, when Ed I was removed from the pasture, Ed II went beserk. Normally very quiet and slow moving, Ed II galloped around the pasture at top speed, neighing loudly. This was an impressive performance, as Ed II was the bigger of the two, and at full speed rather scary. He went back to his regular placid behavior when Ed I returned. We never figured out whether Ed II was afraid that his pal had been taken from him, or irritated that he didn't get to leave, too.
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