Thursday, March 16, 2006


There are allegedly nearly 15,000 sheep producers in Scotland. Most of the animals become mutton or lamb, with a few being kept for their wool. The wool, now generally made into high-end textiles, used to supply the world. But China and other countries now top the charts in wool production.

In addition to wool and meat, sheep have a valuable role to play in the tourist industry. These lovelies, for example, live on the lawn at Dalkeith House, keeping the grass down and providing hours of family fun for the Yanks who temporarily live here. The lambs are very cute, at first barely able to stand but already eating grass. Both mums and babes watch the student volleyball games with a critical eye.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you still being vegetarian or have you given up and gone local?
Oh, I love sheep (in small numbers).