Yesterday we rented the Rug Doctor to do the carpet in the master bedroom and associated stairs. Whoever thought that pale gray carpet was a good idea should definitely get checked out out at the nearest facility. And I confess it was I--I thought pale gray would be still masculine enough appeal to OLGS (Oldest Living Graduate Student) and pick up some subtle very pale blue in the curtains at the same time. I was wrong on at least one count--OLGS doesn't care about the carpet color. And since the rest of the decor is pretty haphazard, the alleged match to the curtains is insignificant in the scheme of things.
So I made a bad decorating decision. But at least one constituency in the household likes the pale gray carpet, and that's the cats. Specifically, they like to throw up on it. Rather than using the multicolored patterns of the living room Orientals, where the stains would blend in, they choose the pale gray as the best place to toss their little cookies. So, the vast expanse of carpet in our bedroom was covered with mysterious little irregular spots that would disappear for a few days if treated with grocery- store stain remover and then reappear.
The Rug Doctor worked fine. We'll see how long it takes for the stains to re-emerge, whether because of the cats or the lack of power in the Doctor's vibrating brushes.
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